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Title: Chimayo Cocktail
Categories: Beverages
Yield: 1 Servings

1 1/2ozCuervo Gold Or Other Gold
1ozApple Cider - Preferably
1/4ozLemon Juice
1/4ozCreme De Cassis
1slUnpeeled apple

When the Restaurante first opened, the Jaramillos looked for ways to popularize Chimayo's apple cider, hoping to make its commercial production more viable for area farmers. After weeks of experimentation they hit upon the Chimayo Cocktail, a potent concoction that is now the restaurant's signature drink and its most requested recipe.

Half fill an 8-ounce glass with ice cubes. Pour all of the ingredients over the ice and stir to blend. Garnish the rim with the apple slice and serve.

Mastercook formatted by: Garry Howard, Cambridge, MA g.howard@ix.netcom.com Visit Garry's Home Cookin' Website http://members.aol.com/garhow/cooking

Recipe By : The Rancho de Chimayo Cookbook ISBN 1-55832-035-0

From: "Garry Howard" Date: 20 Jan 97 Chile-Heads List Ä
